Emotions 03

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Some SEN pupils, perhaps sometimes ASD pupils, have difficulty in reading emotions. This resource is aimed at helping those pupils to identify common emotions. It focuses on ten common emotions. On the left hand side of each card is an image of a boy and on the right are three possible options for the emotion on the boy’s face.

Pupils should look at the image on the left of each card and, if they are able to read, to match it to the name of the emotion on the right of the card by using a clothes peg. Alternatively, the teacher/SNA/supporting adult could read the words to the pupil and ask them which words matches the emotion on the boy’s face. The pupil should then place a clothes peg on the correct answer on the right of the card.

This activity is especially suitable for pupils who may not be able to write answers but who can read and comprehend, therefore it is a way for them to demonstrate their understanding of emotions. It is also good for fine motor skills in the manipulation of the pegs onto the cards.

Cut up the sheets into 10 separate cards and laminate the cards individually.

Follow-up work could be done by engaging the pupil in conversation about why they think the boy in the image is sad/angry/happy etc and talking about a time when the pupil themselves were sad/angry/happy.