
Fruit and Veg Box 01

(4 customer reviews)

1.50 1.00


This resource focuses on positional language, which can pose some difficulties for younger pupils and SEN pupils. It consists of a table of nine boxes, each of which contains an item of fruit or vegetables. Twelve question cards based on the table are also included. The cards contain positional language like under, above, below, to the right of, to the left of.

Cut up pages 2-4 into twelve separate cards and laminate them individually. Laminate also the fruit and veg box on page one. For each question on the left of the cards, there are three possible answers given on the right. If they pupil is able, they can read the cards themselves. Otherwise, the teacher/SNA/supporting adult can read the questions for them. When they have decided on what they think is the correct answer, the pupil places a clothes peg on it to indicate their choice.

This activity is especially suitable for pupils who may not be able to write answers but can understand the positional language. It is a way for them to demonstrate their understanding. It is also good for fine motor skills in the manipulation of the pegs onto the cards. These cards also provide great opportunities for oral language and the identification of different fruits and vegetables.

This pack could be an ideal activity for a literacy station during Station Teaching. A pack of 6 sets could be put together, one for each pupil in the group, to be completed at a literacy station.

We frequently gave activities such as this for homework to our SEN pupils. It gave them the sense that they had homework like everyone else and it also allowed the parents to see what language topic we were currently working on.