
Place Value 04

(3 customer reviews)

1.50 1.00

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This resource is aimed at pupils in middle classes or SEN pupils. It is based on reinforcing the concept of place value of 100s, 10s, 1s. The pack contains 16 cards – on the left hand side of each card is a three digit number, with one digit underlined and highlighted in red. The pupil has to decide whether the underlined digit is a hundred, a ten or a unit and place a clothes peg on the appropriate number on the right hand side of the card.

Cut up the sheets into 16 separate cards and laminate them individually. This pack could be an ideal activity for numeracy station work in Rang II/III. A pack of 6 sets could be put together, one for each pupil in the group, to be completed at a “number station”.

This activity is especially suitable for pupils who may not be able to write answers but have mastered place value, therefore it is a way for them to demonstrate this mastery. It is also good for fine motor skills in the manipulation of the pegs onto the cards.

We frequently gave activities such as this for homework to our SEN pupils. It gave them the sense that they had homework like everyone else and it also allowed the parents to see what Maths topic we were currently working on.

Activities such as these were also used as Independent work completed by SEN pupils in their work station.

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