This resource is aimed at middle/senior pupils or SEN pupils. It is based on pupils’ knowledge of the flags of the twenty seven countries of the European Union (EU). This resource should be used as a follow-up activity for pupils who have already learned these flags.
Cut up the sheets into twenty eight separate cards and laminate each of the cards individually. Cut and laminate also the full sheet reference card. Pupils should look at the name of the EU country at the top of each card. The pupil should then attach a peg to the matching flag on the bottom of each card.
If a pupil is unsure of the answer, they may consult the reference card with all of the flags. The more this resource is practised, the less times the pupil should have to consult the reference card.
This activity is especially suitable for pupils who may not be able to tell you the answers or may not be able to draw/colour the flags but know the flags and are able to match them. It is also good for fine motor skills in the manipulation of the pegs onto the cards.
We frequently gave activities such as this for homework to our SEN pupils. It gave them the sense that they had homework like everyone else and it also allowed the parents to see what topic we were currently working on.
Activities such as these were also used as Independent work completed by SEN pupils in their work station.
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